
AÇÃO URGENTE - CONTRA as "NOVAS DIRETRIZES" sobre Experimentação Animal na União Européia

Quando imaginamos que não pode ficar AINDA PIOR, estamos enganados. PODE.
Se aprovadas as novas diretrizes tal como propostas pelo que se denominou de CONSULTATION ON OPTIONS FOR THE TRANSPOSITION OF EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 2010/63/EU ON THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS USED FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES, os padrões MÍNIMOS de consideração pelas VIDAS dos animais já TORTURADOS nos laboratórios do Reino Unido serão postos por terra: se aprovada esta "modificação", em concordância com as "diretrizes nazistas" da União Européia, animais já ABUSADOS e TORTURADOS em "pesquisas", poderão ser simplesmente MORTOS a PAULADAS, depois que "perderem a utilidade".
Cães, gatos, macacos, hamsters e quaisquer outros animais poderão ser simplesmente DESCARTADOS a PAULADAS, como se fossem MENOS QUE LIXO, quando suas vidas forem julgadas "dispensáveis" por seus torturadores.
É positivamente inacreditável. Informe-se lendo:


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Subject (assunto): Animal experimentation

We find it totally UNACCEPTABLE the preposterous standards of NO consideration for animal welfare and animal rights, as stated on CONSULTATION ON OPTIONS FOR THE TRANSPOSITION OF EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 2010/63/EU ON THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS USED FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES .
This will downgrade the decent and minimum conquests in this area that a country like the United Kingdom has fought to defend until now.
ANIMALS are living beings as as such must be treated. Even the idea of a "LICENSE to KILL them" after being abused and explored in experimentation in an OFFENSE to mankind.
We DEMAND the end of animal experimentation. As one certainly knows, if GOOD SCIENCE is taken into consideration, there is NO NEED for such CRIME, as therre are many alternative methods available.
You are heading in an entirely opposite direction to SCIENCE, ETHICS and COMPASSION.
PLEASE reconsider you criteria, which can only be guided, up to now, by IGNORANCE and GREED.


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derekroland.clark@europarl.europa.euroger.helmer@europarl.europa.euemma.mcclarkin@europarl.europa.eubill.newtondunn@europarl.europa.euglenis.willmott@europarl.europa.eujohnstuart.agnew@europarl.europa.eudavid.campbellbannerman@europarl.europa.euandrew.duff@europarl.europa.euvicky.ford@europarl.europa.eurichard.howitt@europarl.europa.eurobert.sturdy@europarl.europa.eu, geoffrey.vanorden@europarl.europa.eugerard.batten@europarl.europa.eumary.honeyball@europarl.europa.eusyed.kamall@europarl.europa.eujean.lambert@europarl.europa.eusarah.ludford@europarl.europa.euclaude.moraes@europarl.europa.eu, charles.tannock@europarl.europa.eumarina.yannakoudakis@europarl.europa.eumartin.callanan@europarl.europa.eufiona.hall@europarl.europa.eustephen.hughes@europarl.europa.eurobert.atkins@europarl.europa.euchris@chrisdaviesmep.org.ukjacqueline.foster@europarl.europa.eunick.griffin@europarl.europa.eusajjad.karim@europarl.europa.euarlene.mccarthy@europarl.europa.eupaul.nuttall@europarl.europa.eubrian.simpson@europarl.europa.eubairbre.debrun@europarl.europa.eudiane.dodds@europarl.europa.eujames.nicholson@europarl.europa.euian.hudghton@europarl.europa.eugeorge.lyon@europarl.europa.eudavid.martin@europarl.europa.eualyn.smith@europarl.europa.eustruan.stevenson@europarl.europa.eucatherine.stihler@europarl.europa.eumarta.andreasen@europarl.europa.eurichardjames.ashworth@europarl.europa.eucatherine.bearder@europarl.europa.eusharon.bowles@europarl.europa.eunirj.deva@europarl.europa.eu
 nigel.farage@europarl.europa.eudaniel.hannan@europarl.europa.eupeter.skinner@europarl.europa.eukeith.taylor@europarl.europa.eu,  giles.chichester@europarl.europa.eutrevor.colman@europarl.europa.euwilliam.dartmouth@europarl.europa.euashley.fox@europarl.europa.eujulie.girling@europarl.europa.eugraham.watson@europarl.europa.eujohn.bufton@europarl.europa.eu, Jill.evans@europarl.europa.eukay.swinburne@europarl.europa.euderek.vaughan@europarl.europa.euphilip.bradbourn@europarl.europa.eumichael.cashman@europarl.europa.eumalcolm.harbour@europarl.europa.euelizabeth.lynne@europarl.europa.eumichaelhenry.nattrass@europarl.europa.euandrew.brons@europarl.europa.eu

Títulos sugeridos:

PREPOSTEROUS CRITERIA, We deserve to be heard, We do NOT accept this


Dear Sir/Madam,

We find it totally UNACCEPTABLE the preposterous standards of NO consideration for animal welfare and animal rights, as stated on CONSULTATION ON OPTIONS FOR THE TRANSPOSITION OF EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 2010/63/EU ON THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS USED FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES .
This will downgrade the decent and minimum conquests in this area that a country like the United Kingdom has fought to defend until now.
ANIMALS are living beings as as such must be treated. Even the idea of a "LICENSE to KILL them" after being abused and explored in experimentation in an OFFENSE to mankind.
We DEMAND the end of animal experimentation. 
As one certainly knows,  if GOOD SCIENCE is taken into consideration, there is NO NEED for such CRIME, as there are many ETHICAL  alternative methods available.
You are heading in an entirely opposite direction to SCIENCE, ETHICS and COMPASSION.
PLEASE reconsider you criteria, which can only be guided, up to now, by IGNORANCE and GREED.


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